Monday, March 24, 2008

Title: Fond of Dramatics

Author: awin-chan

Rating: K+

Category: Anime; Prince of Tennis

Genre: General/Humor

Oneshot. Tezuka had always knew that Fuji was fond of dramatics, though he hadn't thought that Yukimura was the same. YukiFuji. ~ quoted verbatim

Opinion: Warning beforehand: make sure you're not drinking or eating anything while reading this oneshot. Slightly cracky, but absolutely hilarious and good for a quick laugh if you're not in the mood to read ultra-long multichapters. Smiling Pair: Yukimura x Syusuke. ~rage-chan

This is just one of awin-chan's lovely works. Just don't listen to her when she says that her works are garbage, coz it's obviously not true... And this drabble/one-shot is proof of her talent. ^_^ Slightly cracky, and one of my favorite fics with a make-fun-of-Tezuka theme. XD ~Gelly-chan

Smiling isn't exactly my cup of tea, but awin-chan has pulled it off well. Not saying that the plot was exactly... fascinating. But it was original, and cute. Her portrayal of Tezuka in the story is interesting, and its definitely worth 2 minutes of your time to read. (It's 222 words!! Surely you can spare the time?) ~ Vio-chan

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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