Title: A Dog's Life
Author: GreyLiliy
Genre: Fanfiction, Humour, General
Summary: Sanzo has kicked the bucket, but that just won't do! A certain Merciful Goddess has given Sanzo a second chance at life, but what's the catch? ~quoted verbatim
Opinion: Well, well, the ever venerable Genjyo Sanzo has been turned into a dog! Although he really should be grateful to the Merciful Goddess for giving him a second chance at life, don't you think? ^_^
The basic gist of it is this: Sanzo was killed while fighting youkais. The Merciful Goddess decided to be, well, merciful, and grant Sanzo a second shot at life. The catch is this: he's getting turned into a dog, unable to speak and unequipped with his ever-familiar gun and fan, and he has a limited time in which he has to get Goku, Hakkai and Gojyo to recognize him as 'Sanzo' even when he looks and behaves like an ordinary dog.
This fanfiction is extremely hilarious and a different twist on all Saiyuki fiction out there. It spans only sixteen chapters and is quirky and different, having been written mostly from doggie!Sanzo's point of view.
You can also read how Sanzo's death affects the other members of the Saiyuki team. GreyLiliy does a fine job indeed weaving everything together to make it reasonably plausible for the reader. There's only a minimal amount of angst in this fic (and you know how much I love angst) but the good plot and interestingly written characters get you hooked anyway. Over time of reading this fic, you will find doggy!Sanzo to be extremely adorable indeed, such is the cleverly written characters.
There is a bare amount of swearing interspersed within the fic, so watch out for that as well. ~rage-chan
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Have an interesting fanfic for us to read? Drop a link or comment and we'll read it if it's within our anime-watching sphere. ^_^ Thank you!
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