Title: Death Note
Author: Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata
Rating: T (for older teens)
Opinion: Death Note is a manga full of twists and devious plots, as I'm sure most of you who have heard of it know. The author throws in so many turns and unexpected happenings that I've probably tripped more than once and fallen straight on my face (not literally, of course). I haven't read all volumes of the manga yet, which is why I didn't specify which volume of Death Note. I think Death Note is truly enjoyable if you love plots and schemes, which this manga has. There is little or minimal fighting scenes, so hard core 'fighting' people might have to look elsewhere to get their fill of battles. If the psychological level is what you enjoy, then why not check out 'Monster' by Naoki Urasawa as well?
Overall, I think Death Note would be a nice read, but don't pick it up if you don't want to see two (or more) insanely clever people trying to outwit each other. ~rage-chan
Rating: 3.5 out of 5.
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