Saturday, March 22, 2008


BookBlognet is currently undergoing major revamp-ness - not that it can actually be seen, though. I have added two more lovely people who will hopefully co-write and keep BookBlognet alive and flourishing. I pay my respects to both of them.

That said, BookBlognet will still focus mainly on books, novels, and fanfiction. There's just more people to write about them, so you get your proper dose of stories. Let us introduce ourselves.

Name: reckless-rage, but also known as rage-chan, without a capital 'R', if you please.

Age: Do you really want to know?

Enjoys: Reading, writing, listening to music, watching anime, doodling, receiving letters, flooding forums and playing the piano. All very ordinary interests indeed.

Extras: I have a fanfiction account under the same name, so feel free to look me up (reckless-rage). Home addresses are off limits, so don't even think about it. That said, I do hope you enjoy your visit and do drop a comment where is appropriate. Thank you.


Okay, that was the pinchable rage-chan. Now me. XD

Name: Gelly. Japanese honorifics may be added, though I am not Japanese, mind you.

Age: Well, I'm not sure if you care or not, but I'm the oldest in our little group.

Enjoys: First on my list would be reading, which probably explains why me and my friends are here in the first place. XD My reading preferences range from novels to short stories, to mangas, to fanfiction.

I also enjoy anything related to anime. Which spreads out to why I'm also interested in my other hobbies. They practically spawned from my love of anime.

I also like surfing the net, drawing, flooding the PoT forum where we (rage and Vio) met, eating chocolates and sweets, singing, sleeping-in, and staying up late.

Other tid-bits about me: I also have a FanFiction account, where I go by the penname 'The Night Owl is Addicted'. I usually live up to my name. *smiles* Comments are loved! And please, do enjoy your visit here, and I hope that you find our blog... interesting and comment-worthy. XD Much love to y'all!


Name: Vio-chan!

Age: 15 this year

Enjoys: Playing my violin for leisure. Competitve scrabble. Psychology and Greek Mythology. Dissecting Shakespeare and debate points. Public speaking. Reading novels. Writing fanfiction, both yaoi and het. BAKING!!! And gardening (smell my lemon thyme, anyone?).

Extras: My fanfic account is under the name Violetglow, I think it's worth a visit to see some of my one-shots. Do ignore the sucky multi-chaptered ones though...

I love eating and eating, I'm 170cm, and freakishly eccentric. That said, I believe in my taste when it comes to books and fanfiction, so do take my reviews seriously!

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